Saturday, March 26, 2005

And....It's OFF!

A huge milestone happened today. The baby is growing like a bacterial culture during its exponential S Curve growth stage. Clothes that didn't quite fit a week ago is now too tight! It is really quite an amazing sight!

Well, yesterday, his umblical cord came undone. This is huge with Da-Yong discarding his last appendage of any linkage to another human being (the Mom). He is truly an individual able to function on his own... Errr...I guess that is not quite true at this stage. He is a helpless little biological creation that eats, sleeps and poops.

As for us, Mom and Dad, we are now getting used to the fact that we have this little one to care for. Getting more used to the task of changing diapers and bathing him.

Again, it's a good thing I suppose....

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