Sunday, January 23, 2005

Test driving...

Hmmm, I got my first taste in carrying a really young infant (1 month old) yesterday at my good friend Pam's place. She has an absolute lovely and adorable 1 month old. Well, I decided then to give this infant caring thing a test drive. Unfortunately, quite unlike test driving a car, this one, I can't just kick the tires, bring it once round the block and then just walk away if I don't like it. I'm literally stuck with my baby arriving in 8 weeks whether I like it or not.

In anycase, I picked Brett (Pam's son) far so good. He then started making faces and started the Nyet-Nyet (crying) face and was about to wail. Fortunately for me, I remember how my Mom pacified by younger brother like some 20 years ago and I tried the same tactics. I started rocking Brett gently in my arms and that worked! I pacified him! Simply amazing! He started cooing at me and ... and ... do I detect a smile? :)

I started to get the hang of this...hey..I can get used to this...this isn't so bad afterall.... then .... THEN I felt some bowel movement from the little one... So, right there and then...the test drive was over... Off he goes back to his Mom. Okay, one step at a time... Next week, diaper change, but for now, I can leave Pam's place warm with the thought that I'm really not so bad with kids..

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